Collateral - Natasha knight /Collateral Damage #1

4.5 Stars. 

I really enjoyed this book. Dark Mafia Romance are one of my favorites to read and this one was just what needed.

Stefan Sabbioni a Sicilian Mobster, looking for revenge on the Marchese family. in the middle of it stands eighteen years old Gabriela who is pawn in this war game of two Monsters.

Signing a contract that bounds Gabriela to marry Stefan, she's taken to his house in Palermo Sicily. Gabriela is the princess of the enemy, she saw too much in her life to be afraid of Stefan but smart enough to know how to choose her battles.

" It's like there's not enough oxygen in the room for both of us. Like one of us has to give. One will."

I was hooked to the story from the beginning to the end. Not because it was perfect. Cause in my mind if I don't daydream during reading I guess it's good.

And I didn't.

I loved the way Stefan is all man. and didnt feel sorry for it. He is cold and ruthless towards Gabriela but when time passes he becomes more and more possessive and soft towards her.

"See you're in my world now. And in my world, I make the rules and you obey them. I. own. you"

No one's backing out makes the chemistry between them intense and you could feel the tension in the air all the way. But seriously I wanted more... more... more... Can't wait for the next book!!!

*** Arc Was provided in exchange for an honest review***


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